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Help your patients mange their pain with resources on IMD!

Pain is a common condition that affects millions of Canadians every day. Whether it’s from an injury, related to another health condition, or is idiopathic in nature, pain is hard to ignore and can seriously affect a patient’s quality of life. However, there are tools that patients can use to help reduce the impact that pain has on them. 

The IMD Health Patient Engagement Platform has several resources that enable patients to take pain management into their own hands. With materials from reputable organizations like Solution for Kids In PainCanadian Spondylitis Association, and Pain BC you can feel confident that your patients have the tools they need to cope with or minimize their pain. Furthermore, our resource library also includes materials for healthcare providers who are interested in learning more about caring for chronic pain patients. 

170 conditions and procedures have received updates on the IMD platform! These conditions include Pancreatic Cancer, Coronavirus Disease and Asthma. Check out these great patient-friendly resources!